Sunday 14 November 2010


When we look back at our lives we have memories of real experiences, funny moments, sad times, painful days and nights, time we spent with people that mattered, chance meetings with famous people in the street, flashbacks that stick in our mind as truth - those things actually happened to us and made our lives rich- we know this is true because we were there.

We were using all our senses and fully experiencing something REAL .

I wonder - when the generation of today looks back on it's life , what will it think of it's life? - What did it consist of ?

Will we really know what we have done?
Will we be able to say that we really, physically, fully experienced amazing things ?
Will we know that we were really there when it actually happened?
... or will we be convincing ourselves that we experiened something - that we never actually did.

Did we do it - or not ?
Will the black and white of our actual experience fade to a grey existence?

When we look back, will our lives be rich with wonderful, colourful, TRUE experiences?
Did something amazing REALLY happen to us - or not?
Did we MEET outstanding people and share magical moments?

I wonder if, as this multi-media age progresses along its path, bulldozing it's way through our lives and demanding us to change and connect in a virtual world - will we be putting together information from various virtual sources and basing our existence on false experiences that were never real, not to us , not REAL in the true sense.

What we did - what we actually 'did' - was quite different.

We didn't jog around a beautiful island ,
We didn't play football with international football players,
We didn't have true friendships across the world
We never met up,
We never exchanged emmotions face to face ,
We never sent birthday cards or bought Christmas presents,
We never had a hug!

What we really did was ...
We jogged on the spot in our drab little living rooms! - whilst we imagined we were running around a beautiful, sunny, happy, but virtual, island - on our wi-fit machine!
We sat on our sofas, moving our thumbs - whilst we imagined ourselves at Wembley running and tackling alongside computer graphic football stars - but they were just on the x-box.
We viewed a laptop screen or an i-phone and sent a few witty lines to people on facebook,
We commented on blogs.
Some of us even had virtual sparing partners on the x-box from Japan killing armies on foreign fields,
We even played scrabble with someone on the internet - who probably lived just a few streets away - but who we never actually met.

We think we saw the parades through the streets of London, but really we were never there - it's just a memory via YouTube.

We saw all those music concerts on the television.

We watched people dying in the wars - but we saw that on the tv

We take in the information, we see the pictures, we read the reviews and the blogs, we watch the youtube films, but we don't actually do any of it ... what we do is ...sit and stare.
( and a bit of typing)

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